How can a Biofeedback Monitor help me?
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How can a Biofeedback Monitor help me?
It gives the therapist a very accurate indication of the client’s current emotional state when they first arrive for treatment, a datum point from which to work from, and consequently shows the client’s improvement as therapy progresses. This feedback is useful for both client and the therapist. It gives the therapist a very clear visible indication of how a client is reacting to a hypnotic induction and how they are feeling at a subconscious level whilst in hypnosis.
The monitor shows so much more about what is happening while a client is just sitting or lying there with their eyes closed, much more than you could ever know by just looking for facial cues or body language alone. A client can look as calm as a mill pond externally and yet beneath the still waters there can be lots of emotional reaction at a subconscious level that is completely invisible without the help of a Biofeedback Monitor.
For the Hypno-Analyst the Monitor will give the therapist early warning of a pending abreaction, even before the client is aware of it. During an abreaction it will show the therapist a very accurate digital reading of the amount of emotional energy that is being released, but even more important it can show when all of that buried emotion from a previous trauma has been thoroughly cleared.
What can it do?
When treating phobias it can show proof that the phobia has been fixed. This is particularly useful when treating a phobia that is impractical to verify immediately a session, such as the fear of flying etc.
For example; what I always do after a fear of flying treatment and while my client is still in hypnosis is, I ask my client them to let their mind drift forward to the next time they fly. I ask them to imagine loading the car with luggage, arriving at the airport, checking in, boarding the plane etc. If the bio-monitor stays level, I know that the treatment has been successful, if the reading starts to rise at any point during the imaginary journey; I can hover my client around that point and gently work on it until the bio-reading has normalised. It works every time 100%.
Both units are very robust, and built to provide years of trouble free service and come with a 2 year warranty on parts and labour* *(Sensor Cables 1 yr).
Try before you buy: If you would like to come and try out the products before you buy, please get in touch and we will arrange an appointment to come into the office and test.
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So how does a Biofeedback work?
So how does Biofeedback work?
It takes just 3 seconds from a single thought to make minute changes in Palmer Perspiration (hand sweat). This hand and finger sweat increases with stress and decreases with relaxation. Using gold plated sensors connected to the first and second fingerprint pads on one hand, the Biofeedback monitor’s digital reading clearly indicates the stress/relaxation changes that are taking place and it does this instantly. This information can be extremely useful to the therapist and particularly so when a client is in hypnosis looking relaxed yet beneath the surface there can be traumas erupting at a subconscious level that are completely invisible to a therapist who is only relying on visual cues and physical changes.

The GSR2-Expert is a brand new addition; it has all of the benefits of the original Pro series but is much more compact, and has some other useful improvements, the screen is more inclined for easier viewing and it has a nice ‘chunky’ feel, the new graphics are now screen printed into the bespoke case and the colours mimic the new colours of the new Hypno-Com 7.
Biofeedback GSR-2 Expert Series: £165.00